The king of fighters 99 king character
The king of fighters 99 king character

Confusion Fu: Her Unchained Circle combos work like this.Cleavage Window: It even gets weaponized during her Climax Desperation Move!.Boobs of Steel: Tied with Shermie at 92cm and one of the more dangerous characters to face in the right hands.KOF XIV sees her finally returning to the roster. The Bus Came Back: She went missing with K9999 at the end of the 2001 story-wise, was last playable in the 2002 game, and wasn't heard from at all through the Tales of Ash arc.The Bully: Towards her former NESTS colleagues.Bilingual Bonus: Her DLC costume in XIV is called "La Diabla", diabla being Spanish for "She-Devil".Bare Your Midriff: Would you expect anything less?.Author Appeal: Toshiyuki Kotani (alias "Styleos") has gone on record as saying he put everything he liked into Ángel's design.Animal Motifs: Not only Team Mexico's story prologue identifies her as a cat, she has cat-like mannerisms and even interjects Nya in her sentences.Eventually, she got sick of running away and decided to enter the KOF tournament with both Ramón and King of Dinosaur to settle the score, especially after hearing that there will be a NESTS agent participating. Sometime after 2001, she defected from NESTS and has been on the run from NESTS assassins trying to silence the traitor. Due to the Retcon removing K9999 ( not really), Ángel's story is changed.

The king of fighters 99 king character